onsdag 24 augusti 2011

Hello guys!

Last week I attended as much as I could to a Sketch Fest that Bella told me about! I had a great time and I only wish I had had more time to take part in it. I even managed to sell a sketch, which I mailed to the buyer today.

Anger Blinds Us - On the prompt "Your worst deadly sin" by Bella
(The one I sold. Iiik!!)

Little Red Riding Hood - on the prompt with the same name.
My last sketch that I made on the prompt "Space Marine". I really enjoyed drawing this one. It was alot of fun to get a challenge like this.

Also, today was my first day back in school after summer break. Hopefully everything will go well this year too! For now, I'm off to my guitar lesson! ~

xoxo, Ciwi

torsdag 18 augusti 2011

In Her Residence

Aaaaand it's done! I finished it up today, and this is the final result. I think I could've done things better, like always, and there are always small bits and bobs that could have been different. You can see a little piece of the progress in my previous post!

Tomorrow it seems like I'm taking part of a sketch fest with Bella! I've never done anything like it so hopefully it will be loads of fun! That was all for now.

xoxo, Ciwi

lördag 13 augusti 2011

Bellanoir Preview


Just throwing in a short post to show my progress in my art trade with Bella! I finished the line art of her OC, Bellanoir. We're old WoW buddies and I'm so happy to give her OC a try!

I have yet to do the line art for her throne and a background etc. Btw, I always get creeped out by how manga eyes look before being coloured!!

Oh well! Back to lining the throne! xoxo

fredag 5 augusti 2011

So much summer!

Hello again after a really long break!

I've simply been so busy with other things to remember to actually post something on here (bad excuse for being lazy I suppose). However, I've been doing plenty of things! I went to Northern Ireland for eleven days, got a new family member (the cat Lucifer), had my wonderful cousin over for a week and in two days I'm going down to Laholm and Malmö. Also, in betweeen all that I've been doing alot of artsy things!

This morning I used my markers again after a long time learning my tablet, so this was the resault of a quick session of drawing and inking.

It's my cat drawn as a little cat-boy.

And this is a picture of him and me IRL. He's my little baby.

Now I'm off to continue with some more art projects. I'm working on my own OC-couple, and also an art trade with my dear friend Bella! She recently started a livestream page where you can watch her doing her amazing work live!! How cool is that?! You can see it here!
