Since my last post I've been starting working experience, gone to DreamHack and had a bunch of other things to take care of. Sometimes there simply isn't enough time to do everything we want to do! I might give more details on DreamHack later on, but for now I wanted to share my latest artowork with you guys!
It's a WIP and I won't spend too much time on it. It's more of a practice experience and it reminded me of how fun it is to draw portraits.
For all SC fans, can you tell who it is? :)
It's fun how inspiration always tend to come to me when I'd probably be better off going to bed. Though sometimes it's just such a wonderful thing to sit up late at night drawing. <3
xoxo, Ciwi
wow! its looking fantastic! definitely finish it up and keep at it ^^ *huge thumbs up!*
SvaraRaderathank you bella!! <3<3